Do you enjoy a plant-based diet? It might be that you are becoming a vegan without you knowing it. And that’s one way to live healthy and happy. You are no longer allowing toxins in your body by avoiding chemically-processed food, and you’re guilt-free from animal cruelty. While you’re at it, why don’t you try consuming all things vegan for a greater contribution to the environment? Aside from eating vegan, you can also start wearing vegan.
Vegan shoes are becoming popular nowadays. In case you haven’t heard of them, it’s the pair of shoes you should get. Vegan footwear is crafted without the use of animal byproducts such as wool, silk, fur, leather, or suede. More often, these shoes can be less expensive compared to their animal-based counterparts, making it a more convenient choice for you.
The materials used in making a vegan shoe include pineapple leaves, apple peels, mushrooms, and cork—all plant-based. Shoe manufacturers can do better by growing plantations than raising animals to become sources of fashion pieces. According to the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), billions of animals suffer and die for clothing and accessories every single year. Big companies turning to animal-free textiles can have a significant impact on this number. However, businesses can’t afford to lose out on revenue. That is why the first move should come from individual consumers. You should think twice before purchasing those leather boots you fancy in the store. If you want to make a difference, start by investing in a pair of vegan shoes.
Since its introduction to the fashion world, vegan shoes have been widely accepted and become a symbol of a responsible lifestyle. New improvements have been made providing solutions to different consumer needs, which includes the release of high performance, water-resistant vegan sandals. There is now a wide range of vegan shoe options out there to match your different outfits. What’s more? These eco-friendly shoes are very comfortable and provide better protection and support to your feet. It’s high fashion on a whole new level—you’ll never have to ask whose skin you’re wearing.
While everyone is encouraged to go vegan, this kind of lifestyle may not work for everyone. Our different body needs that come with age may require more than an all-fruits-and-vegetables-diet. Certain health issues that some people are born with or have developed are also one of the major reasons why living a vegan lifestyle is impossible.
However, we can all still agree on one thing—there are no excuses for not choosing vegan fashion. Vegan clothing is more affordable, comfortable, and long-lasting. Don’t let animal products stand in the way of making the best choices in fashion. You can be beautiful and fabulous without any animals suffering and dying for it.
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