Since time immemorial, tall women are told all the reasons why they shouldn’t wear high heel shoes. From "You're so tall already," to "You will intimidate a guy if you're taller than him," there has always been a high heels vs. tall women mentality among certain people. Tall women shouldn't limit their heel size just because it can make some people uncomfortable. In fact, here are some reasons why you should rock 'em!

It’s a confidence booster: Some people seem to think that a tall woman should limit their shoe choices to just flats and sandals. Don’t fall into that trap! Wearing high heels shows the world that you have enough confidence to embrace your height despite the naysayers. Not only does high heels make you look good, wearing them can make you feel empowered. 

People look up to you, literally and figuratively: In a 2012 study, British researchers discovered that tall women are considered, “More assertive, confident, richer, capable, successful and independent.” Wearing heels in the workplace can make women appear more authoritative and can help level the playing field with male coworkers.

Heels make your legs look great:  Not only will they make long legs look even longer, heels accentuate the calf muscle by making it appear shapelier.  Additionally, they can change your posture by helping you keep your back and shoulders straight.  

High Heels make you the center of attention: As a tall woman, you can't help but be noticed. But when you step into a room with your confidence on display and wearing a killer pair of heels, you'll draw every eye to focus on you. From the boardroom to the club, high heels will make you stand out from everyone else. 


Need to find the right heel for your size? Contact us today!